My deepest fear in life is forgetting. Forgetting the times that made me laugh, made me cry, made me proud of myself and shaped me as a person. I fear forgetting all the important people in my life and all the things they did for me. All of these fears, however, are washed away by one thing; a camera. The sound of a camera’s shutter is the sound of a memory being captured forever. Some say a photo speaks a thousand words, I say it acts as a time machine. Bringing you back to a place in time that was special enough to keep forever by filling in the colours and missing information that our brains seem to misplace as time passes. Not only does photography allow me to recall fond memories, it allows me to share them with friends, family and the world around me. Photography has given me the opportunity to express who I am and work with like-minded, creative people. Photography is a time machine, a tool to connect with others and most importantly, my passion.